Archive for Jordan

Visiting Lost City of Petra on a Budget

| by Miriam | 17 Comments » | Guest Post, Jordan, Middle East

Pictures of Jordan

The Lost City of Petra

I’ve always found traveling through the Middle East on a budget an easy feat.  With many of the sites having free entry, easily accessible through public transport and providing cheap food options, it’s a backpackers dream.

I always found this until I decided to go to Petra in JordanJordan is a vast country that is rich in beauty.  Petra, its most famous site, is known for its appearances in films and its deserted ambiance.  I’m sure when it was first re-discovered in 1812 by Swiss Explorer Johannes Burkhardt there was no entry fee charge.  Now however, things have changed.  Although it can get a bit pricey, I can’t overemphasize how worthwhile a visit is. (more…)