Posts Tagged ‘travel’

Leaving for San Antonio, Texas

| by Jason | 4 Comments » | North America, Reflections, Texas, United States

San Antonio Texas

The Alamo at San Antonio, Texas

Back on the Road!

Aracely and I will be visiting San Antonio this weekend from Thursday, March 3rd through Sunday, March 7th, in celebration of the 175th anniversary of The Alamo.   As part of a press tour group, we will be snapping lots of photos, writing about our experiences and being whisked away to all the great things San Antonio has to offer.  Stay tuned for our updates on Twitter by following the hashtags #Alamo175 and #VisitSA. (more…)

9 Reasons to Visit Sri Lanka

| by Lasith | 34 Comments » | Asia, Guest Post, Photo Essays, Sri Lanka

9 reasons to visit Sri Lanka in 30 pictures from Lasith Lansakara of Discovering Serendipity

1. Where the Elephants Roam

Sadly not as much anymore.  Over hunting during the British colonial period has left the Sri Lankan Asian Elephant endangered.  Recent conservation efforts attempt to rebuild the local elephant population and visitors have several opportunities to see and interact with these majestic animals.

sri lanka (more…)

6 Things To Leave Off Your Packing List

| by Ayngelina | 56 Comments » | Guest Post, Travel Gear, Travel Tips, Trip Planning

What to Pack for Hiking

When you finally take the leap to travel long term, one of the first things on your mind is all the things you think you need to buy for your trip.  The travel gadget industry is making a fortune from us thinking that we have to pack a lifetime of gear into our tiny backpacks.

Pack List

I remember the excitement, scouring the internet for packing lists, creating a ridiculously long and expensive what to pack list.

And before you march to your favourite outdoor adventure store armed with a list of outrageously expensive travel gear you absolutely must have to be a true and authentic backpacker, you may want to rethink these ones. (more…)

Where to Travel Before the World Ends?

| by Jason | 60 Comments » | Reflections

Lake Atitlan, Guatemala


All signs are pointing to the world ending on December 21, 2024, or at least according to the Mayan Calendar, I Ching, and Nostradamus.  Birds and fish dying in mass and flash floods in Australia aren’t helping subdue our fears either.  So what better way to react than go travel to some place unique, exciting and on the brink of extinction via an apocalypse.  This scenario poses two exciting questions for Aracely and I. (more…)

10 Things to Love About India

| by Alastair | 63 Comments » | Asia, Guest Post, India, Photo Essays

Is India the most colourful, mad, exciting country in the world?  Probably.  Alastair Humphreys shares India with us through his lens.

Here are ten things I love about India.

1. Surprised, Confused or Amused

There’s never a dull moment in India. Wherever you look, at all times of day or night, you will see something that surprises you, confuses you, or amuses you.
Urine pass is prohibited at this place (more…)

Road Trip: Northern Chile Altiplano

| by Jason | 35 Comments » | Adventures, Chile, South America

Salar de Surire Chile

Monumento Natural Salar de Surire

Entering Northern Chile from Peru will most likely lead you to the coastal town of Arica.  Check out our article on discovering Arica to find out what adventure lies there, but for this article we are jumping right into Northern Chile’s great Altiplano! (more…)